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Jared Grubbs
Last Activity:
Dec 6, 2024 at 4:28 PM
Jun 26, 2011
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Jared Grubbs


Staff Member VIP Member
Jared Grubbs was last seen:
Dec 6, 2024 at 4:28 PM
    1. Bill Calamas
      Bill Calamas
      Jared, I had a subscription last year ending in Nov. 24. I paid the 10.00 fee twice. I paid with a CC not realizing that an automatic payment by would also be paid. Pay Pal has refunded one of the 10.00 subscriptions however I still do not have access to the Forum. Pay Pal told me I would have access however this has not occurred. Who do I contact to get access. Thank you for your assistance. Bill Calamas.
    2. WestLoopDog
      Jared, I am a VIP member and was just charged my annual renewal fee. However, I am getting ads when I access butler hoops.com from my computer. Also, I just switched computers (got a new Mac), so I am wondering if this is the source of the problem.
      My email address is Tim.mooney729@comcast.net
      Can you help me with this.
    3. BUcheer
      Just double checked—it was the wrong thread. If you could switch them that would be appreciated!
    4. ButlerNut
      Jared - is there no longer a Butler Hoops app to download from the play store? I just got a new phone and I can't seem to find it.
    5. seadawg
      Jared, sorry to bother a busy dad, but I was credited for winning 50 against St Johns when in reality I lost 50 by taking the points and the Red Storm. Also my DePaul wager was not settled? On a side note, Butler appeared to drop the ball concerning the allegations.
      1. theenforcer13
        It appears this was paid out incorrectly as I put $500 on BU and it says I lost
        Jan 30, 2018
    6. Nildogg
      Jared, why am I locked out from making a wager on the X game? am I doing something wrong?
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    ButlerHoops will be accessible to VIP members only beginning November 12th. Access all content with no ads for $1/month by Upgrading to VIP status.
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