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Future of ButlerHoops.com

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jared Grubbs, Nov 3, 2023.

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  1. Jared Grubbs

    Jared Grubbs Administrator Staff Member VIP Member

    UPDATE (11/5/23): It's looking like the forums are going to stay open, but go premium membership only ($1/month), with me taking a step back and continuing to operate the back end while others take over the front end. A new thread will follow with more info.

    After 12 years of operating ButlerHoops.com, I regret to inform everyone that I will not continue to do so for this season, beginning November 6th. I have not been very active on the public end for a few seasons now and have mainly conducted back end/maintenance tasks. It's time for me to move on from that as well.

    I just recently tried to pass the site onto new owners, but the backend is very outdated and combined with some of my less than skilled custom modifications, is starting to cause issues. The site framework honestly just needs a complete reboot, and that became a dealbreaker.

    I started ButlerHoops when I was still at Butler and the previous recruiting board shut down. I'm hopeful someone will step up again to carry the torch and continue to give Butler fans their own place. If that someone creates a site that has a compatible database, I would be happy to work with them to transfer all of the data/posts to them and preserve the last decade+ of Butler conversations and aid in an easy transition.

    To those who have active VIP upgrades for ad free viewing, I will accept all refund requests that come across. I appreciate your support over the years. I wish I could continue giving the community what they deserve, but as my career and personal life have evolved I simply no longer have the time to do that.

    Thank you once again to the Butler community for what has been an amazing past 12 years. I held off making this move for a couple years because this is so, so difficult to give up. But it's time to rip the band aid off, as I do believe it will be so much better once a new owner takes over who is as dedicated as I once was. I look forward to seeing you over there, at Butler games, and around the community!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
  2. TheDawgDub95

    TheDawgDub95 Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Thank you for doing this Jared!

    Sent from my SM-G977U using Butler Hoops mobile app
  3. Gregory Roach

    Gregory Roach Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Thank you very much for your toil and support of the Butler Basketball nation.
    cornette33 and Jared Grubbs like this.
  4. Jared Grubbs

    Jared Grubbs Administrator Staff Member VIP Member

    Of course literally minutes after posting this I FINALLY solved one of the back end issues related to unwanted ads appearing that I've probably spent 20 hours over the last few months trying to fix. When I wasn't even looking for it. Life can be cruel like that sometimes.
    2xDawg, kmacker69, BoyGeoff and 2 others like this.
  5. UDDawg

    UDDawg Well-Known Member VIP Member

    It's hard to adequately explain the gratitude I have for this community. Butler basketball has been my greatest sports passion since I could walk (or, more appropriately, could run around the Hinkle track during games). I've thoroughly enjoyed the ability to discuss the program, among other things, via this forum. Thanks for everything, Jared.
    ButlerProf, cornette33 and Tentozen like this.
  6. ButlerFan-in-Knoxville

    ButlerFan-in-Knoxville Well-Known Member VIP Member

    What would it take to use yahoo like many other schools use? Rivals is part of yahoo sports.
  7. DawgsRule

    DawgsRule Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Time for a NIL drive to convince Jared monetarily to keep the board alive.

    Thanks for all that you have done, Jared.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2023
  8. butlerguy03

    butlerguy03 Well-Known Member VIP Member

    I just left Reddit, but would consider rejoining if we just migrated over there. It's free.
  9. mwall787

    mwall787 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jared. Appreciate what you’ve built here and the time it took to do so. Go Dawgs

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
    littlebigman and cornette33 like this.
  10. Butler87

    Butler87 Member

    Thanks for everything Jared!
    littlebigman and cornette33 like this.
  11. #60

    #60 Well-Known Member VIP Member


    MADD LUV for you & your efforts, man!
    cornette33 likes this.
  12. Tentozen

    Tentozen Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Thanks for all you have done!

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops
    littlebigman, #60 and cornette33 like this.
  13. BoyGeoff

    BoyGeoff Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Thanks for creating this forum for Butler Hoops! Appreciate the time and effort keeping this Battlestar Galactica afloat. All the best to you!

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
    Tentozen, cornette33 and #60 like this.
  14. The Hound

    The Hound Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Much, much thanks, Jared. You’ve gone far above and beyond. Please be proud of the hours of enjoyment you have provided.
  15. Danville Bulldog

    Danville Bulldog Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Thank you, Jared!!! Wish you all the best. Hope we get some big wins this year.
  16. kmacker69

    kmacker69 Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Well damn! Thanks for all you have done and will miss talking Butler Hoops here very much. I'd give it a go but am an analog guys who can barely keep his computer from crashing... :eek:
    littlebigman, Tentozen and cornette33 like this.
  17. Lukas Harkins

    Lukas Harkins Well-Known Member VIP Member

    This is a sad day, indeed. Thanks for everything that you’ve done here Jared, and for putting up with my texts over the recent years .

    If you’re looking for a sub-par substitution (nothing will match what Jared created), I will be launching a patron-discord in the next few days. There will be a new tier on the Patreon that grants access to the discord. Every tier currently on the site will have access too.

    I want to be clear that I’m not trying to be shamelessly plugging or advertising here. That’s not how I mean this to come across. I’ve talked with Jared about this and hope it can be a new avenue for some seeking a place to talk Butler hoops. I’m just working out some of the set-up (with some help from my discord savants, Jared included) and then it will go live.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2023
  18. Hinkle

    Hinkle Well-Known Member

    What a bummer.
    dawgs2014 likes this.
  19. tcdtcd

    tcdtcd Well-Known Member VIP Member

    But thank you Jared!!
    Who can take this over?! We need a forum!
    I’m too technically inept, but would otherwise!
  20. Cranjis McBasketball

    Cranjis McBasketball Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Props Jared. Can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said by other posters. Have you considered handing the reins to Butler Guru dude? He would cream his pants. (Jk don’t do it)

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops
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