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Future of ButlerHoops.com

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jared Grubbs, Nov 3, 2023.

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  1. Danville Bulldog

    Danville Bulldog Well-Known Member VIP Member

    The Football Bets forum and Random Thoughts have really degraded the site. JMHO
    mwall787 and thevinrod like this.
  2. DawgsMD

    DawgsMD Forum Psychiatrist VIP Member

    At least the betting thread sure as **** beats the other random stuff discussed in the offseason.

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
    Cranjis McBasketball likes this.
  3. Danville Bulldog

    Danville Bulldog Well-Known Member VIP Member

    It's just my opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone. I think the football betting and political stuff belongs elsewhere.
    thevinrod likes this.
  4. Jared Grubbs

    Jared Grubbs Administrator Staff Member VIP Member

    The newer version of this forum software has a feature where you can mute entire threads, so you could completely hide those discussions and they wouldn't appear places like recent posts or anywhere.
  5. Danville Bulldog

    Danville Bulldog Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Jared, I assume it mutes these type of discussions only when you are logged in. For recruits and outsiders, gambling and political forums are a bad read for those who come to the site for Butler basketball. I'm guilty as much as anyone else, so I'm not condoning my own behavior.
  6. BUcheer

    BUcheer Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Feels like a death in family as this forum going back to the Yuku days (and he who must not be named ran it) has served as a connection to others who share the same love for the Bulldogs as I do. Like all families we’ve experienced some crazy, incredulous highs and some divisive, sobering lows. I’d be willing to put more money towards keeping this forum together as Sad mentioned. How can we get that done? I like the closed community aspect and while we get off topic, the public forums attract complete knuckleheads that make some of our threads seem like child’s play.

    Thank you Jared for providing this “family” for as long as you have!

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
    mwall787, #60, estar20dawg and 2 others like this.
  7. estar20dawg

    estar20dawg Administrator Staff Member VIP Member

    I'm going to try to get the rebirth of this forum going, I'm working on going through the Xenforo setup now, not an IT guy, but working on it
  8. Jared Grubbs

    Jared Grubbs Administrator Staff Member VIP Member

    Hmm, I guess if we did a private forum that was paid only it could maybe work. It could be very cheap. Eliminating ads from the site completely would actually get rid of a good chunk the work I'm currently doing, as a large percentage of the issues people DM me about are related to ad blockers causing issues or weird ad displays on odd browsers/screen resolutions.

    Maybe we could get someone to step up and be a moderation/content lead of some sort and help keep things in line? If people have to pay to get access, even if it's extremely cheap, it would also prevent a lot of the trolls and such from showing up.
    2xDawg, mwall787, bwesson15 and 8 others like this.
  9. ButlerFan-in-Knoxville

    ButlerFan-in-Knoxville Well-Known Member VIP Member

    If anyone knows the answer. The rivals site already has big east teams there with their own message boards. I believe there needs to be a community publisher or writer to make it happen. There are currently 6 big east teams with a message board there.
  10. shoeevv

    shoeevv Well-Known Member VIP Member

  11. Westside Dawg

    Westside Dawg Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Count me in if there’s anyway to make a donation to help keep this (or a new site) going.

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
  12. Westside Dawg

    Westside Dawg Well-Known Member VIP Member

  13. BUcheer

    BUcheer Well-Known Member VIP Member

    So if the site goes dark tomorrow is there a way to stay informed of any new efforts through someone on here? Or anyone with a Twitter account willing to stay in touch with Jared or other to keeps us informed? Or Jared are you willing to share on your Twitter account?

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
    BoilerBulldog likes this.
  14. indienapolis

    indienapolis Active Member VIP Member

    Thanks Jared for everything! I’m gonna miss the group banter.

    It sounds like the alternatives for now are this Reddit thread or Lukas’ discord? Or something estar is working on?

    I’m genuinely curious if the regulars around here are going to migrate elsewhere…

    Sent from my iPhone using Butler Hoops mobile app
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
  15. jkcdawgs

    jkcdawgs Well-Known Member VIP Member

    I’ll be everywhere until one really establishes itself.
  16. Albick

    Albick Well-Known Member VIP Member

    I suspect that many of us will be doing the same. Once an alternative attains critical mass, I suspect most of us will migrate there. It's just too early to tell which alternative that will be.
    #60 likes this.
  17. cluelessdawg

    cluelessdawg Well-Known Member VIP Member

    Thanks for setting this up. Already at 15 members! I just installed the Reddit app and joined. Let's see if it can gain some more steam. Like this post after you've joined the Butler Hoops Reddit page!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
    Westside Dawg and butlerguy03 like this.
  18. cluelessdawg

    cluelessdawg Well-Known Member VIP Member

    I also just joined Lukas' Patreon. $4/month for his content and Discord access is a heck of a deal! Discord-only is only $2/month!
    indienapolis likes this.
  19. estar20dawg

    estar20dawg Administrator Staff Member VIP Member

    I'm working on getting something up and running, if I have to create a new forum name it would be along the line of ButlerHoops 2.0, but the goal will be to get something up and running as soon as possible

    BUBBALUM Well-Known Member VIP Member

    r/butlerhoops has been marked as banned for me.
    2xDawg and BUcheer like this.
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